Five ways RFID is Helping the Health Service
RFID Technology has been helping the NHS, ambulance services, care homes and suppliers to these vital organisations for many years. So how can RFID solutions help these busy organisations work smarter, quicker and more accurately in times of additional pressure? The key ways RFID technology can play its part in helping the challenge health providers are facing: Monitoring Lone Care Workers Lone care workers need to visit many homebound people during a working day. RFID technology can help to accurately calculate attendance and travel times and so take some pressure of busy staff by automatically producing timesheets. The patients have NFC RFID labels attached at the entry /exit point and the arrival and departure times are automatically logged. The data is then transferred back to the organisation’s information systems enabling supervisors to see the location of each care worker. Helping Service Providers RFID is used by healthcare suppliers including a firm which hi...